Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Skill: Arbitrage - PUC and PUC-LA

Skill: Arbitrage - PUC and PUC-LA

Arbitrage - PUC and PUC-LA - (Practical and educational purpose)

PUC <<  -  >>  PUC-LA

Whenever got GAP between Mother PUC and PUCLA.    CAN do the "Arbitrage"; 
So you still got SAME unit in CDS ;  but will lower ur cost 1sen (if u manage to do it 1sen).  Further reduce your Current holding cost.

FORMULA : Check conversion method :
Use 1PA + topup conversion 5sen method do abritrage

1. Buy PUCLA
2. CONVERT to mother (赚差价1-2分 )sell mother PUC , then buy back again PUCLA

Sample:   100,000 units PUC-LA x 5sen need RM5000 bank draft.   
Plus processing : Rm29 and  bank draft plus Rm12

(transfer fund to me if you need me help you to submit the form)

Form can be get from me.

Duration of conversion from PUC LA to PUC mother:  
Duration:  7 - 14 days 
(much depend on MEGA CORPORATE , the ShareRegistrar)

If you got mother PUC
SELL PUC MOther 15sen
Immediate buy PUCLA 8.5-9sen
Gain diferent 1sen
100 lots gain Rm1000

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